Design Studio & Tech Lab

Design Studio & Tech Lab

Architecture, Interiors and Visualization

Structure, Electromechanical & Automation

Planning , Estimation , Value Engineering

Contracts : Legal and Statutory

Our indigenous team of architects, engineers and technocrats offer astute design solutions to cater our client’s requirement. Experienced project management form diverse environment and disciplines bolster our management and organizational performance.
We use BIM an intelligent, digital model-based process that enables our professionals involved in the design, engineering, construction and operation of built assets to design, engineer, construct and operate assets using powerful BIM software and recognised BIM processes.
With our unique mix of professionals, technology and services we provide a solid foundation to enhance your building performance with the power of data – and ultimately create the perfect place for you to achieve your lifestyle or business goals.


Our Structures and Construction Materials Laboratory, with its modern equipment, covers practical aspects of destructive and non-destructive testing of construction materials such as hardened concrete, steel and masonry and the assessment of their mechanical properties. This laboratory also provides facilities for testing aggregate, cement, admixtures, additive materials and fresh concrete, as well as for testing of structural components steel reinforcements, welds and mesh assemblies.
Material testing laboratory for selecting and verifying materials and to evaluate material quality, performance, troubleshooting, research and many other applications.

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